AAUW Funds

Click the graphic above to view the AAUW Funds diagram to see how funds are structured.

Click the graphic above to view the AAUW Funds diagram to see how funds are structured.

AAUW Lakewood generously supports our National Funds that enable us to follow our mission.

We hope that you, too, will see the value of these funds and kindly make a donation. All donations are tax-deductible through our 501(c)(3) organization.

You can:

  • Support protection of legal rights
    for those facing discrimination in any workplace.
    (#3999 Legal Advocacy Fund)
  • Support lifelong learning opportunities and scholarships.
    (# 4336 Educational Opportunities Fund)
  • Support advocacy for policies and laws affecting women.
    (#4337 Public Policy Fund)
  • Support leadership programs
    (#4339 Leadership Programs Fund)
  • Provide research on women’s issues.
    (#9170 Eleanor Roosevelt Fund)
  • Provide assistance where there is the greatest need,
    (#9110 Undesignated Gifts).
    If you are undecided, this general fund funnels your donation to the fund above with the greatest need.

Click on the graphic to the right for an enlargement and then click on the details for more information.

If you would like to make a donation now, click here to move to AAUW Lakewood’s Donations page, which has specific instructions. Thank you in advance for your generosity.