Interest Groups


Books and Goodies

The group meets at 10 am the second Monday of each month to discuss a selection which has been chosen by the group. We read a variety of books including fiction, non-fiction, science and biography. Discussions are led by a volunteer member who has researched reviews and author information to share with the group.  Goodies are served by the hostess or by an additional volunteer who brings the snacks.

This ‘N’ That Readers

This ‘N’ That Readers Group

This group meets at noon on the third Monday of the month. We discuss a fiction, nonfiction, or biography choice, with the discussion led by a member.

(Photo taken at Tucson Book Festival, a favorite group activity.)



Kumquat Book Group
The group chooses books for the year. We meet in homes of members and someone reviews the book.  We meet on the 3rd Monday at 1 pm.  A light snack is served with coffee and tea.

Dick and Jane Read Books
Spouses are included in this group which meets on the fourth Friday in members’ homes.

Ramblin’ Readers
The book discussion group meets on the fourth Tuesday in members’ homes.

Evening Primroses Book Club
This group enjoys discussing a wide variety of books (with genres including biography, autobiography, histories, and historical fiction) that are fun to read and that make us think. Meetings are held on the third Thursday, usually in members’ homes.


Daytime Bridge
The group meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month at Holy Shepherd Lutheran Church, 9th and Kipling, Lakewood. Members gather at 10 am and play until 2 pm. Members provide a salad and dessert for lunch. All ability levels are welcome.

Saturday Night Bridge
The group meets in members’ homes on the second Saturday of the month at 7 pm.


Gourmet Lite










Members meet for lunch on the second Wednesday of each month.

Gourmet Potpourri
Monthly meetings are held in members’ homes the third Tuesday of the month for lunch, or out on the town at an interesting restaurant