Category Archives: Open Forum


2012-2013 has been another successful year for our Branch beginning with the September meeting and a fun celebration of our 40th Anniversary with eight current charter members and fifteen past presidents. We also recognized Giesele Denton as our second 50 year member!

We had excellent attendance for all of our AAUW State Conferences: the Leadership Conference in August, Public Policy Day, and the recent State Convention in Durango!

Four of our members are attending the National Convention in New Orleans, Mary Wylie, Bev Dare, Elnore Grow, and Stormy McDonald).

Thanks to our Program Chairs, Faith Gunther and Barb O’Neal, we had another wonderful year of programming year included the Green Mountain High School principal, Colleen Martinez Owens and Laurie Hirschfeld Zeller, of the Colorado Women’s Foundation, and the program, “the Cliff Effect.” Other programs included two authors: Maria  Sutton, a member of our Branch, presented her book,  THE NIGHT SKY,  Preethi Burkholder, presented her book, 17 WOMEN WHO SHOOK THE WORLD.

The April meeting ended the year with “Tea with Molly Brown,” an historical interpretation of Denver’s own Molly Brown. All metro branches were invited to attend this event as well as the JeffCo League Of Women Voters, promoting our “connect to other Women’s groups” goal that State President, Diane Norton, promoted at the Fall Leadership Conference.

Our “Call to Action” endeavor initiated a connection between the Lakewood Boys and Girls Club. Member, Elnore Grow, generously  sponsored ten middle school age girls to The “Expanding Your Horizons” Conference, 2/23, run by the BOULDER AAUW Branch. The Conference emphasizes STEM careers and  occupations and acquaints the girls with a myriad of future possibilities. Branch volunteers for the event: Anne Burkholder, Elnore Grow, Deanna Hanna, and Sherry Hitztaler. Our goal is to continue working With the BGC on various projects throughout the year, as well as sponsoring girls to future EYH Conferences.

A major “Call to Action” and “Connecting with Community” has been the ongoing work with the Action Center, Jefferson County’s Homeless Shelter. Our Community Chairs, Jean Scalmanini and Dood Robinson, have initiated Branch involvement in various ways: monthly meals, ongoing drives at each Branch meeting requesting toilette paper, peanut butter, diapers, personal cosmetic items, toys at Christmas time, Etc. Etc. Jean and Dood have kept our members apprised of the needs and wants of the Action Center and ways for our Branch to contribute.

Branch business wraps up in May with our Branch flower sale (chair, Deanna Hanna), our Diversions social activities (Margaret Greivel) and our annual Retreat for both the incoming and outgoing Board members.

Plans are underway for the 2014 State AAUW Convention in Lakewood, with Betty Flaten as the Committee Chair. The Lakewood Branch looks forward to hosting branches from all over the state of Colorado!

NONE of these events would have been possible without the work, energy, and enthusiasm of our dedicated Board Members!


  • Social Chairs – Sue Riach and Pat Wakham;
  • Membership – Donna Connolly,
  • Program – Faith Gunther and Barb O’Neal;
  • Diversity – Margaret Greivel, and Elnore Grow;
  • Community – Jean Scalmanini and Dood Robinson;
  • Publicity/Flower Fund Raiser – Deanna Hanna;
  • AAUW Funds – Janet Weisheit;
  • Public Policy –  Stormy McDonald;
  • Secretary – Maggie Torley;
  • Treasurer – Bev Dare;
  • Web Advisor – Anne Burkholder;
  • Roster – Joan Van Loozencnoord;
    and especially to
  • By-Lines Editor – Sandy Kistler.

Thank you for your work that has benefitted our Branch and our community and connects so well to our new AAUW Logo: “Empowering Women Since 1881.”

Mary Wylie and Sherry Hitztaler

PS – We have a very sad postscript to add to our website. One of our most active members, Jean Scalmanini, was killed in a tragic car accident in early May. Jean was our Community Rep and a very strong voice for the JeffCo Action Center, both in the community and in our Branch. We provided meals on a monthly basis for the Shelter, collected peanut butter, diapers, personal hygiene items, paper goods, etc. at every meeting, and toys and Christmas gifts for children and teens. Our Branch has organized the “Friends of Jean” to continue her work and honor her memory.

Jean was an energetic 73 years young and a devoted wife, mother, and grandmother as well as a wonderful friend. Her smile, energy, and enthusiasm will be missed by all.


Wow, my first blog ever. I imagine for most of us, this page could be where we do our first blog. I hope that everyone had a great 2012 and that 2013 will be our best year ever at every level, from individual to our world. At the national level, we’ll find our soon if our country is going over the so-called “fiscal cliff”. Let’s hope our lawmakers can do their jobs and represent the common good in coming up with a solution.

At the branch level, here’s to another year of interesting and informative meetings, interest groups that meet the needs of its members and help to maintain membership (and attract new members), community projects that make a difference, and friendships that last. If you’re not as involved with Lakewood AAUW as you’d like, look closely at all the interest groups available and maybe start a new one if your interest isn’t covered. Even more importantly, consider joining the leadership team. We are looking for new officers for 2013-15. Check in with Margaret Greivel, Sherry Hitztaler, or Bev Dare to discuss your potential interest.

Mary Wylie, Co-President

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